Events IFCN

The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) unites creators and consumers of fact-based reporting at various events throughout the year to promote and uphold the integrity of the universal information ecosystem.

IFCN Talks is a monthly series that encourages meaningful dialogue between fact-checkers and citizens. Each conversation is designed to inspire learning around a prevalent topic in the fight against global misinformation. The sessions feature an interview with a subject-matter expert and a 30-minute audience Q&A.

GlobalFact is the world’s largest and most impactful fact-checking summit. Hosted by the IFCN, this annual event aims to mobilize the collective power of truth, transparency and accountability as a counteroffensive to the rash of misinformation that’s challenging citizens across the world. At GlobalFact, IFCN signatories and their partners working to address misinformation gather to review industry trends, exchange the best practices of fact-checking, and explore opportunities to improve public discourse in democracies worldwide.

More than 3,500 people have attended GlobalFact conferences since 2014. Past conference locations have included London, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Rome, Cape Town and Oslo. As the pandemic evolved during 2020 and 2021, thousands of people across 16 time zones attended the summit virtually. Major projects and initiatives have originated at GlobalFact, including International Fact-Checking Day, IFCN’s Code of Principles and partnerships with major tech corporations.

The 10th convening will take place June 28-30, 2023, as a hybrid event in Seoul, South Korea, and online at To learn more, click here.

April 2 is International Fact-Checking Day, which was created by the IFCN in 2016 to celebrate and highlight the important work of fact-checkers worldwide. International Fact-Checking Day brings fact-checkers together and advocates for their role in upholding the highest standards in pursuit of the truth. Learn more at